Dienstag, 21. Februar 2023

ρσѕт 683

     *The Cove Event* ~ *The Popcorn Tree*

¦¦¦¦¦ Outfit ¦¦¦¦¦

The Popcorn Tree ~ Wildthing Onsies*Miepon Outfit*@The Cove Event

  1. Marketplace
  2. Mainstore
  3. FaceBook
includes: Onsies ~ Pants
Fits: Bebe ~ LullaB ~ TD fitted 

Price: $50L per playor ~ $850L for the Fatpack

available Items:
  • 17 Onsies
  • 5 colors Pants
Onesies can be worn individually o paired with the pants.
Fatpack is copy only and includes alls colors , designs and sizes

can be gifted at the Vendor thru the menu